Organic Vegetables, Fair-Trade Coffee and Other Sustainable Food Service Products

Organic Vegetables, Fair-Trade Coffee and Other Sustainable Food Service Products

Considerations When Hiring An Event Catering Supply Company

by Nino Caron

Finding the right fit event catering supply company can be a big job. So, what should your catering company look for in a supplier? Below are some insights on how to choose an event catering supply company. 

Assess the Company's Services and Speciality

When hiring a supply company, your immediate concern is the range of products that the company supplies. Typically, you need a company that is a one-stop shop for all your catering supply needs. Most caterers experience difficulties when creating an inventory of the products they need. The easiest way to circumvent this challenge is by assessing your client's orders for the last three months. It will give you an idea of the foods that your company cooks the most. In some cases, you might have working relationships with corporates or individual clients who often order foods that are not locally available. If this is your case, check the company's ability to supply rare foods. 

Examine The Quality Of Products 

Bad foods will damage your catering reputation. Therefore, you should conduct thorough assessments to establish the quality of foods the company supplies. Typically, you should inform the supply company about your minimum standards. For instance, you might need fresh vegetables, fish and chicken. However, you would prefer a specific quality of beef aged using a specified method. Additionally, you might want organically grown farm produce. If the company can supply these products, inquire about their availability throughout the year. Remember, it might be difficult to source fresh foods during the cold months. Your supply company should be able to suggest imported produce or alternatives. 

Examine The Company's Terms

If you are confident with the company's quality of products, ask for the terms and conditions. Start by checking the company's liability policy. For example, do they take responsibility if they supply low-quality products? It is a sure way to protect your business from losses caused by servicing low-quality foods. Then examine the frequency of supply. For instance, can the company supply on short notice? It ensures you receive fresh foods. 


Examine the company's pricing strategy. Typically, you should compare the company's quote against those of similar companies. If the company has reasonable prices, ask if they can adjust the prices to suit current market conditions. For instance, you do not have to pay a premium price if the products are in season. Finally, inquire if the supply company extends credit services to its clients. It will keep your business afloat before your clients pay up. 

When hiring an event catering supply company, assess the company's speciality, quality of products, terms and pricing. 


About Me

Organic Vegetables, Fair-Trade Coffee and Other Sustainable Food Service Products

When you order food for your restaurant, catering company or shop, you engage in a political, social and environmental act. Depending on your opinions in each of these categories, you may want certain products or products backed by certain ideologies, and it can be hard to know what's important and how to pick the best products for you. Hi, my name is Tatiana, and I am an advocate of environmentally friendly, worker-friendly food. In my years as a researcher, traveller, server and pub manager, I have learned a lot about working with food service companies in a way that reflects your ethics. Want to learn more? Explore these posts.